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We Humbly Appeal For Your Zakah And Lillah Funds Urgently

We Humbly Appeal For Your Zakah And Lillah Funds Urgently 


The Institute for Islamic Services would like to invite anyone who has the interest of serving the destitute and
spreading the deen of Islam for the pleasure of Allah (SWT) as was taught to us by the Holy Prophet Muhammed
(PBUH) to co-ordinate with us in establishing welfare facilities, especially feeding schemes and medical centres,
combined with Da’wah, in various areas in South Africa. We believe that this is the right time to soften the hearts
of as many people as possible so that peace and prosperity prevails all over. This can be achieved through projects
like the ones we are providing. You are welcome to visit any of our projects at your convenience. Alhamdulillah we
do not pay any rent, as all our premises belong to the IIS. All donations we receive go directly to the needs of the
people. For any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Some of our projects are listed below.



  • 1

    Adult literacy classes – Adult literacy classes are
    conducted on a daily basis at 330 Carmine
    street where approx. 40 adults are taught
    reading and writing skills, various prayers,

    Quraan etc. Lillah and Zakah applicable.

  • 2

    Billboards- We currently have 30 billboards put
    up and we intend to put up more very soon.
    Above are 2 new billboards at the entrance of

    Sponsorship applicable

  • 3

    Book publication- Numerous books are published and
    printed with the aim of giving dawah to muslims & non-
    muslims for free distribution. Some book titles: Jesus
    (Christ) in Islam, Muhammed (PBUH) the greatest, The
    sign in Jonah, Similarities between Islam and Hinduism,
    Why I chose Islam etc. Lillah and Zakah applicable.

  • 4

    Clothes distribution – Weekly distribution of old clothing
    where thousands of people benefit. Distribution takes place
    at Mooiplaas, Itireleng, Wesfort, Struben Street homeless
    shelter etc. These people are very poor and adversely
    affected by changing weather. Lillah and Sadaqa Applicable.

  • 5

    Daily feeding scheme – A feeding scheme where 600
    people are fed daily at 330 Carmine Street,
    Marabastad, Sunnyside. Olivenhouthosch.

    Sadaqah applicable.

  • 6

    Dawah Seminars – Seminars are held frequently
    where students are given lessons on how to give
    dawah as well as debates with other faiths.
    Lillah applicable.

  • 7

    Day Care Centre – A day care centre where
    approx. 60 children are taught, fed and looked
    after on a daily basis, free of charge.
    Lillah and Zakah applicable.

  • 8

    lftaar programme – In Ramadaan, a daily lftaar
    program takes place catering for approx.. 150 fasting
    people. 4 types of Aknee, cooldrlnks, fruit, dates,
    water etc. are given. Lillah applicable.
    Sponsor an lftaar @ R2000 per day.

  • 9

    IIS medical – A fully fledged medical centre based in
    Mogul street, Marabastad caters for the needs of the
    community. It has a full-time doctor and we are
    looking for dentists. Zakah and Lillah applicable.

  • 10

    Madressah classes – Daily Madressah classes taking
    place at 330 Carmine street, Laudium where approx.
    20 kids are taught Islamic principles, Quraan, etc. free
    of charge. Zakah and Lillah applicable.

  • 11

    Quraan Publication – Recently, Thousands of Quraan’s
    have been published in the English language and
    distributed to many people in a language they can
    understand. Zakah and Lillah applicable.

  • 12

    Radio 1584 — A project designed to
    communicate to the public and give
    informative happenings in the world.
    Sponsorship applicable.

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