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The Institute for Islamic Services was humbly started by a group of young enthusiastic Muslims with the main objective of imparting the message of Islam as well as to play a role in assisting those who are faced with different social disadvantages. This objective of Social welfare coupled with Dawah was to invite all people (most of whom were unaware of Muslim beliefs and practices), to the total way of Life- ISLAM for the pleasure of Allah (swt) as was taught by the last Prophet Muhammad (saw). Initially the Dawah efforts were faced with an up-hill due to the late 70’s apartheid socio-political conditions. These conditions enabled us to only recruit a few individuals from Atteridgeville and Saulsville. But by the grace of the Almighty, ALHAMDULILLAH there are thousands and thousands of Muslim families in Lotus Gardens, Atteridgeville, Saulsville, Mabopane, Soshanguve Winterveld, Hammanskraal, as well as far and wide. All achieved through the tireless efforts and dedication of our members and the many volunteers.
Through the mercy of Allah (SWT) we have been able to continue serving our community daily.
Date & Time
Monday - Friday
13:30 - 14:30
Monday - Friday
13:30 - 14:30
Monday - Friday
8:00 - 15:00
Every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
15:00 - 17:00
Every Monday & Wednesday
10:00 - 11:00
Every Month
Monthly Voucher Distribution
Sunday 10:30am
Event & Location
@ Mooiplaas, Danville, Itereleng, Ollivenhout, IIS Centre
“Let there arise among you a group inviting to all that is good, enjoining righteousness and forbidding evil. Those are the successful ones”. - Quran, 3:104.
Daily Feeding
@ Mooiplaas, Danville, Itereleng, Ollivenhout, IIS Centre
“…giving food on a day of hunger to an orphan near of kin; or to a destitute lying in dust; and, then besides this, he be one of those who believed…” - Quran, 90:14.
Day Care Center
@ The IIS Center Laudium & Lotus Gradens
The Institute for Islamic Services offers high-quality free daycare that provides valuable services, giving parents the freedom to work and earn a living with peace of mind.
Free Childrens Madressah
@ Itereleng
The Institute for Islamic Services Children's Madressahs are designed to offer basic teachings and practices of Islam to young children in our community who lack or have little Islamic Knowledge at home or at school.
Lifeskills Proficiency Classes
@ The IIS Center
The life skills are aimed at enhancing self-confidence, responsibility, teamwork, and communication—to name just a few. These classes are conducted regularly by well-trained experts.
Old Age Program
@ Silver Cresent (Laudium)
“Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and do good to parents. If any one of them or both of them reach old age, do not say to them: “uff” and do not scold them, and address them with respectful words” - Quran, 17:23.
Voucher Distribution
The Institute for Islamic Services is dedicated to addressing the needs of our communities. Through our Monthly Grocery Voucher Program, we assist families struggling to meet their basic food requirements.
These vouchers empower individuals by giving them the freedom to choose essential groceries for their households, preserving their dignity while alleviating their hardships. With your support, we can continue to provide hope, relief, and sustenance to those in need.
Join us in making a difference. Together, we can help families thrive and ensure that no one goes to bed hungry.
Jummah Mubarak
Jummah Lectures
@ Masjid-Al-Haqq
Join us every Jriday for Jummah lectures by scholars , ustaads and sheikhs who give naseeha and discuss social and spiritual issues our communities face
2nd Sunday of every month
Monthly Voucher Distibutions
@Foodline, Laudium
The IIS provides monthly grocery vouchers to over 320 distressed families in and around Laudium valued at R750 per voucher to purchase much-needed monthly groceries and essentials.